July 18, 2015 - 02:40 PM / 02:55 PM
This demonstration led by Wes Shonk of WIGLE WHISKY.
Wes hails from Ligonier, Pennsylvania — home of Idlewild Park, Ligonier Beach, and Fort Ligonier Days. After attending school at the University of Pittsburgh, Wes has spent time making ice cream at Dave & Andy’s Homemade in Oakland and making cocktails at Butcher & the Rye in Downtown. He has an appreciation for all spirits, especially ones made in Pittsburgh. Wes serves as Wigle’s Corporate Bartender, working in Sales & Marketing, Product Development, and Managing the Barrelhouse & Whiskey Garden.
Shruberry Cocktail
2 oz Wigle Ginever
1/2 oz lime juice
1 oz Strawberry/Ginger Shrub*
club soda (for serving)
Measure and combine gin, lime, and shrub. Shake with ice until well-chilled and strain over fresh ice into a Collins glass. Top with club soda and garnish with the spent lime hull.
*To make the shrub, combine 2 pounds strawberries, cleaned and sliced, with 1/4 cup chopped ginger, 1 cup apple cider vinegar, and 1 1/2 cup white sugar. Let sit for one-to-two weeks at room temperature, strain and bottle. Will keep indefinitely if properly “canned.”